Thursday, July 12, 2012

Blog #2: Poem

Medicine, patients, therapy!
This is the story of my life,
Everyday and soon enough my career!

Rudeness, attitudes, pain!
Dealing with the elderly and youngsters, makes the time go by each and everyday!

Even with all these negative things I deal with, in the end it's what makes my life full of excitement!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Blog #1: The Importance of Being Ernest

       In this blog, I will discuss the article "Notes on Love and and Marriage" written by Michael Vance which was based on the play, "The Importance of Being Ernest" by Oscar Wilde. This play was about two young girls who desired to be married to a man named Ernest. Gwendolyn, who despised any other name besides Ernest, wanted a ring to her future husbands name and she believed Ernest was the perfect match. Cecily, another young women who only liked the name Ernest believed that the name "inspired confidence". Both these girls were fooled by two men who led them to believe their names were both Ernest and wanted the girls as their own.
       In the article by Michael Vance, he discusses the "cleverly woven satire in which many of the rules, morays, and hypocritical practices and ideas" of the society during this time. Using Wilde's quotes, Vance successfully points out all the flaws Wilde tries to portray. The quotes not only throw in a little sense of sarcasm but they are humorous at the same time because he is mocking his society's classes.
        I agree with Vance's article because in Wilde's play he makes it seem that marriage is some kind of joke. Women don't look for true love, they look for little things like money, land, looks or even what name the man has. The same goes for men, they look for women with good looks that they can show off to others. I really liked the fact that Wilde chose to criticize each society's expectation in such a humorous way!